It's snowing here, just lightly, but it makes me dream of skiing and winter wonderlands. Scrolling around the web I found that Swedish designer and blogger Lisbeth of the blog "wabi sabi" provided just the right photo montage for my reveries. Kind of ties into my last tree post doesn't it? Enjoy! Pinterest via
Swedish American blogs about design, decor, life and family with a slant towards Nordic Style and customs.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
A tree is more than a tree
A tree is more than a tree, an interesting article in DN (Dagens Nyheter) today. See A tree is more than a tree article in Swedish. I agree. I love big, gnarled trees. Interesting trees that have stood the test of time. Trees that allow for wildlife to flourish, like birds, among their branches and squirrels or other animals in their hidden crevices. I paint trees often. This is one of my favorites in Ljunghusen. It was an old pine on the way to the beach. I hope to go visit it next summer. I love to look at the old maple outside our kitchen window too but it's slowly dying. The tree expert says it's hundreds of years old. I like to think about the changes it has seen, and I will miss it once its days are over. The article says that trees remind us of our place on earth. It's about finding our place on earth and the connection between the past and the future. The thought is a little dizzyning says Charlotte Hagström. So true. Hope "my" tree is still there when I go back.
( – Det finns en koppling mellan då och nu och framtiden med träd. När folk berättar om träd ger det en slags känsla av att det hjälper en hitta sin plats. Det här trädet har stått här före mig och det kommer att stå här efter mig. Tanken svindlar lite, säger Charlotte Hagström.) - Dagens Nyheter, 12/26/12
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Hej tomtegubbe
God Jul! We have had such a nice Christmas, hope you did too. I made an abbreviated version of a Swedish smörgåsbord which proved to be a hit with our American guests. We had ham, homemade meatballs, a nice Gouda, breads, salad with red cabbage, mandarin oranges and almonds, janssons frestelse (a potato dish with anchovis and cream), and two kinds of herring. They even liked the herring! We sang a couple of songs and enjoyed each others company (plus a nice Malbec) before heading to chuch and more festivities at friends. The only thing I wasn't satisfied with was the bread so I ferreted out a Swedish sourdough recipe that looks delicious for next time. Take a look, bread recipe The next day more good food thanks to my hubby who made crepes with all sorts of filling. Mums filibaba (Swedish for yummy!). Thanks H. (A full smörgäsbord below. We didn't go this nuts!)
Friday, December 21, 2012
The Hobbit
Sorry for the delay in blogland. I was rushing around for last Saturday's Christmas market, and then I was rushing around after the market doing all the other things I hadn't gotten around to!! Last night I baked about 8 dozen hermit cookies, cleaned and packed presents. Next it's time to finish the cards, make Christmas Eve dinner, and complete shopping. Then H (handsome, helpful hubby) and I are treating ourselves to a movie. It was going to be the Hobbit, but now after I read this Hobbit hearsay I may have to resist. Kidding! Nothing is stopping us from seeing this movie, not even some Swedish aristocratic-wannabe! I love this photo is from
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Heja Sverige!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
My presentation went well. The cable worked. The computer worked. The people came. I was ready in time. Everything went swimmingly and all my worst nightmares did not come true (again). Breath deeply! I was happy to present our year in Sweden and show family snapshots, display my items, and invite everyone to a cup of glögg. Pictures to follow. Thanks to those of you who came! Today it's off to Swedish school where the kids are learning about Raoul Wallenberg who save tens of thousands of Jews during the holocaust during World War II. If you don't already know about this Swede's great bravery please read here: facts about Raoul Wallenberg.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Flitiga Tina gets ready for Dec 10
There's an expression in Swedish that someone is "flitiga Lisa" (busy beaver I guess is the closest we come to it in America, although I appreciate other suggestions.) Well I think it should be changed to "flitiga Tina", at least for a limited time to expire end of this month! I am busy getting ready for the market on 12/15 as well as a presentation on our year abroad this Monday night for friends. Am I silly to be nervous? Probably, but nevertheless I am. The good thing is I know more about my topic - Sweden - than most people here but it's the technology aspect of it all that's making it hard to sleep at night. (As you may have gathered technology is not my forte.)
Well to put it in perspective I should remember that December 10th is not only a big night for me, but also for all the Nobel prize recipients! Talk about nervous ... giving a speech in front of 1,500 in the Blue Hall which will be televised across the world is perhaps a wee bit more nerve-wracking. See for more info on the awards which is a viewing tradion in Sweden. Beautiful photo to follow from my friend Linda in Sweden who is a much better photographer than me (+ who can text at quantum speeds so obviously also more techno-gifted). Just need to figure out how to upload it first!
Well to put it in perspective I should remember that December 10th is not only a big night for me, but also for all the Nobel prize recipients! Talk about nervous ... giving a speech in front of 1,500 in the Blue Hall which will be televised across the world is perhaps a wee bit more nerve-wracking. See for more info on the awards which is a viewing tradion in Sweden. Beautiful photo to follow from my friend Linda in Sweden who is a much better photographer than me (+ who can text at quantum speeds so obviously also more techno-gifted). Just need to figure out how to upload it first!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Who wants to be a reality star?
You too can be a star! Are you an American of Swedish descent? Then you too can be on tv for all to gape at in awe as you cry, emote and struggle to learn more your Swedish forefathers and mothers in the old country. This show is a hoot, we watched it last year when we lived there, and I guess the prize is pretty good. It must be. Checkit out:
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Christmas Market #2
Feeling sloppily sentimental today - not only has my precious daughter turned 8 today (!) but
I am also reminiscing about last year in Sweden (when we lived there for one year). I love celebrating the holidays there including visiting XMas markets such as Tivoli in Copenhagen. Check out this link for more ideas:
Tivoli truly gives you that shivery, special Christmas feeling - it feels more like a celebration of magical times than amusement park. Next year, Stuttgart Germany's Christmas market perhaps? One can always dream...
I am also reminiscing about last year in Sweden (when we lived there for one year). I love celebrating the holidays there including visiting XMas markets such as Tivoli in Copenhagen. Check out this link for more ideas:
Tivoli truly gives you that shivery, special Christmas feeling - it feels more like a celebration of magical times than amusement park. Next year, Stuttgart Germany's Christmas market perhaps? One can always dream...
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Tivoli at Christmas |
Friday, November 30, 2012
Time to turn on the lights!
Sweden is an extra special place in which to celebrate the holiday season -- the traditions, songs, decorations, Christmas markets and tomte make it a great place to enjoy Christmas. Also the lights are incredibly important. As you may know December 13th is Santa Lucia, the festival of the lights, is the day young people throughout this long country bring in the lights with song and "Lusse bullar" (special buns scented with saffron). But there's a downside to being so far north of course, check out this article published by The Local which explains how Umeå, one of Sweden's most northern cities, plans to combat the depression from lack of light with it's special bus stations light. A shot of vitamin D in this cold, dark place - what a great idea! But to check out the benefits of living in the cold, dark north look at the gorgeous aurora borealis here: Who turned on the lights?
BTW, if you'd like to check out a Swedish market and you live in or around Boston, come to SWEA's jul marknad on December 15th. Nordic Niche, i.e. moi, will be there selling ornaments. There will be a Swedish Lucia procession complete with lovely music, and lots to do and eat. 10 - 4:00 at the Cyclorama in the South End of Boston. Ha det så bra!
More information at swedish-yuletide/
BTW, if you'd like to check out a Swedish market and you live in or around Boston, come to SWEA's jul marknad on December 15th. Nordic Niche, i.e. moi, will be there selling ornaments. There will be a Swedish Lucia procession complete with lovely music, and lots to do and eat. 10 - 4:00 at the Cyclorama in the South End of Boston. Ha det så bra!
More information at
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Goodbye to some of our favorite Vikings, have a safe trip home! |
Items being sold at "Foteviken Viking Reserve" |
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Viking village in Höllviken, Sweden at market |
Check out the shields hanging in the great hall of the Vikings. |
Viking ladies enjoying the show. These girls told me that they really liked being Vikings. Is the draw not having to bathe? :-) |
They had a "battle" to show what happened when the Danish king, invaded Skåne (the south of Sweden). I love the little Viking in the middle holding on to its hat! For more information about reinacting Vikings and the markets in Sweden and abroad check out this link on Foteviken's site. |
A Viking game, hurl the massive log as far as you can. Methinks they didn't have an X-box. |
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Swedish House Mafia
Swedish House Mafia = tomorrow's dance band (dansband) music? Axel Hedfors (known as Axwell) actually wondered if they could become an old timey band like this on Skavlan Talkshow, aired in Sweden on 11/23 on svt. Well I don't think the three influential and popular dj's that make up Swedish House Mafia (Axwell, Steve Angelo and Sebastian Ingrosso) could ever get that nerdy even after the current worldwide farewell tour "One Last Tour" has ended. These guys throw a massive party and have filled arenas with over 100,000 people in Stockholm alone. Thinking of a road trip ... Toronto in Febuary anyone? Check out one last tour for tour dates. Maybe they could even do a cover of a classic song like this one by the Swedish dance band The Vikings called appropriately enough "Tack och farväl" (Thanks and goodbye.) Listen below and njut! :-)
Friday, November 23, 2012
Made from Wormwood, can't be good
(picture from Jeppson's Malört Face Photos, by Phil Dokas)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Want a shot to celebrate? Well you might not want to try Jeppson's Malört liquor found only in Chicago and suburbs. (It's made from a Swedish recipe so you could possibly buy it in Sweden?) Take a look at this face, it says it all! More unlucky victims here - funny faces Even the company admits that only one in 49 people who try it like it. What a Viking challenge! Might have to bring it to the East Coast. :-) Happily we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner in New Hampshire with all the trimmings and a nice white wine to drink. Hope your taste buds were equally happy. Thankful for many things and especially glad not to have to drink this. Skål!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Want a shot to celebrate? Well you might not want to try Jeppson's Malört liquor found only in Chicago and suburbs. (It's made from a Swedish recipe so you could possibly buy it in Sweden?) Take a look at this face, it says it all! More unlucky victims here - funny faces Even the company admits that only one in 49 people who try it like it. What a Viking challenge! Might have to bring it to the East Coast. :-) Happily we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner in New Hampshire with all the trimmings and a nice white wine to drink. Hope your taste buds were equally happy. Thankful for many things and especially glad not to have to drink this. Skål!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
This week I am up to my eyeballs in "pyssel". "Pyssel" means crafting and it is quite popular in Sweden where people of all ages indulge especially around the holidays and the tissue paper and glitter glue starts flying. In American of course we are ramping up for Thanksgiving, but in Sweden the Christmas season has already taken off. This weekend K. and I attended a craft day with the Swedish school. In addition I am ramping up for the Swedish "Jul Marknad" (Christmas fair) sponsored by SWEA in Boston on 12/15 at Cyclorama.
So as much as I like to craft I am feeling like my fingers are a little too glue sticky and stained with paint, and my house already a little too full of ornaments even for my liking. Especially pre-Thanksgiving (and this is my American side speaking). I really like Thanksgiving and the meaning of the holiday. So, I am trying to hold off on Christmas off with one hand, as I hold a turkey drumstick with another, unless until after this weekend when let the jul pyssel rip!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Singing, sewing and Swedish School
Hej! Had a very Swedishy day yesterday sewing together my granny square pillow, and getting ready for Swedish School. Every Tuesday I lug the kids down there to meet other Swedish children, and learn the basics. It's a big commitment because we drive during rush hour traffic making a one-way 45 minute drive take 90 minutes or so. There's a long list of things I need to bring: portable DVD player, DVDs (one for special K, one for Master Luke), their books and pencils, my stuff to do, my aspirin, snacks galore, cash and whatever outdoor clothes they may need for break. The class is only 2 hours long, but you would think that we were going to be gone for a week! Last night we needed extra stuff because I volunteered to be substitute teacher for Master Luke's class: the squirmiest, noisiest, liviest bunch of 10 year olds I know. (I deserve a medal, ha ha.) :-) Of course rushing to get there in time, with all my things and the kids, I forgot the most vital bag -- the one continuing the work books. Oh well, improvise. We did well enough. I brought apples for the hungry multitudes, cajoled the kids into singing Swedish St. Lucia songs with their energetic music teacher, and made time for paper airplane contest - in Swedish. Phew! Then the long ride home and säng (bed). Makes me realize why so many Swedish Americans skipped teaching their own children the language, it's work, but I think well worth it in the end.
(Picture from last year on 11/12, kids sharing cocoa at Svaneholm slott. The XMAS season had begun in Sweden.)
(Picture from last year on 11/12, kids sharing cocoa at Svaneholm slott. The XMAS season had begun in Sweden.)
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sweden vs USA
Well, sorry for the delay but I've been sick like a dog. The good thing is that my followers already know! ;-) So, lots of time to think and contemplate about life in the States versus life in Sweden. My goal really is to live in the States (because my husband loves it and we're happily settled) as if I were in Sweden. How to do that without universal healthcare, great childcare benefits, equal pay for equal work, five weeks vacation and so on you ask? Well first you have to be lucky enough to have a husband that works, take care of your own kids, get no money for your work, and take as much vacation as you like. This may seem tongue in cheek but that's been my best answer to date, having tried a myriad, and I mean a LOT of alternatives like part-time jobs, freelance work, full-time work, seasonal work, shop work... the list goes on. The idea now is entrepreneurship! How is it? Does it work for you? Would love to hear about you from cyberspace. Up, up and away! (Check out link)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Happy Gustaf Adolf Day!
Want a reason to celebrate besides the election? It's Gustaf Adolf Day! Yippee! OK, no idea why this day is important but it's in the Swedish calendar so who am I to quibble? Break out the beer! Gustaf VI Adolf was one of the many kings of Sweden with that name. He ruled from 1950 - 1973. I remember this picture hanging at my grandparents house in Mälarhusen as it did in homes, post offices, banks, schools around the country. Today the king is named Carl Gustaf and he is father to the queen to be - Victoria. Not sure how much power she will actually yield but Swedes do seem to have a soft spot in their hearts for royalty. At least they do sell magazines! See Wikipedia link for facts here
Monday, November 5, 2012
Weekend chores
Weekend chores .... one of the things I really "love" as a responsible parent and wife. Ugh! I remember the days of lazing around reading the Sunday paper, but no more. Of course there was thing that my handsome and helpful husband (hereby referred to "H") did for me this weekend that made me smile. (OK, not that, get your minds out of the gutter.) :-) No, H helped me organize our room and put things up on the wall. Very happy to have my necklaces hanging from this beautiful tin display based on tinkers art ("luffararbete" as it's called in Swedish). Also, there's the little sheep I bought in Gotland with the famous grey sheepskin, and my favorite metal candlestick holder which is from my mother. I also love this print! Chagall is one of my favorite artists. I love his flight of fancies, and in this case the quite literal flight of the young couple on the chicken. I can't think of anything more romantic than whizzing around the stars on the back of a Rhode Island red, holding a bunch of beautiful blue flowers. H. doesn't quite get it but this is one of the reasons I love him, he put it up anyway and helped me get my cozy nook in shape. My Nordic Niche is coming along but at home and with the business ... more on that to follow. Now I just have to work on my photography skills!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
A trashy post
Hej! When we were living in Sweden last year we all started recycling food waste. Here's one of the benefits of living in a country of only about 9.5 mill, things like this are do-able. We all received a special trash barrel on wheels, a new plastic receptacle for the kichen, and breathable brown paper bags with a well-written instructional brochure. We threw food trash out in the plastic receptacle lined with the brown paper bags and when full placed them in the outside special barrel. We did just as told - it wasn't hard - and they carted our food trash away at the same time as the regular trash. The whole country was "mobilized" in no time flat and now Sweden is importing trash. Why? For energy. Pretty cool. Read more about it on NPR: Sweden wants your trash
Friday, November 2, 2012
I'm loving Halloween more as a grown-up than as a kid! Last year the hubby and I had the best time throwing a party for our Swedish family and friends with ghoulish decorations, games, haunted house, and tricks n' treats for everyone. This year we continued the "tradition" (of two years) with a party at our local Boys and Girls Club which involved candy, costumes, dodge ball, air hockey, cupcake decorating and bobbing for apples. The only thing we missed this year beside our wonderful friends in Sweden and my extended family was the beer! Hopefully next year we'll be able to help the grown ups get into the swing of things and do the monster mash with some liquid courage. This is not something everyone wants but it can't hurt when you dress up like we did last year (see below). By the way, the Swedes really got into dressing up and the whole Halloween thing. Boo! Blev ni rädda? (Did you get scared?) ;-)
Halloween bash with family 2011
Halloween bash with family 2011
Monday, October 29, 2012
Wedding bells
Well Princess Madeleine is getting married to her Chris. He's some millionaire financial adviser who looks like a a cold fish. They've been living together and I hope that they will be very happy together. Her statement on Vimeo is so cute although his Swedish really needs some work. Chris came into the picture after her previous engagement to the hunky Jonas Bergström was broken off (he took up with Madeleine's former friend). The princess and Jonas were together for 8 years and she met Chris only a couple of months after they broke up. She says that they are "soul mates" but it sounds like a rebound to me. Keeping my fingers that crossed that everything works out for the beautiful Madeleine and her Chris.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Nordic Exposure
Reading and contemplating the article "Nordic Exposure" in the August edition of Vanity Fair see the article. My take on it is a little unique as I lived in Sweden in the late '70s - early 1980's and then again last year so I have seen that Sweden has changed and is no longer the same social-democratic bastion as before. Sweden accepts many immigrants and the look of a "Swede" has changed from the stereotypical blonde blue-eyed babe to be more all inclusive. Now just like in America a Swede now could have their roots in Africa, be adopted from Korea, or be a born and bred Swede with grandparents from Latin America. A.A. doesn't seem aware of this. The author also states that "The watchword of all Nordic people, their mantra, is "conformity". The worst social sin is to stand out, to appear even obliquely boastful or pleased with yourself".
While it is true that people and even ads are much more modest than we're accustomed to in the States (for example advertising stating that something is quite possibly the best) in my experience I haven't found that Swedes shy away from new experiences or people but rather embrace them and are interested in them. Of course we lived in a cosmopolitan part of Sweden, in the south near the continent, where I and my American husband were welcomed with open arms. Maybe meeting someone different is an acceptable way to be nonconformist and thereby a thrill for the "reclusive Swede", but honestly I found Swedes to be in general more well traveled and open than many Americans that I know. I'm really not sure where this author A.A. Gill is coming from just that he lives in England and doesn't like Wales. How is it now that he's an expert on Scandinavia? Here's a pic of a famous Swede that doesn't fit the stereotypes, Marcus Samuelsson, famous chef of Rooster and Aquavit in New York. He is so cool, more here:
While it is true that people and even ads are much more modest than we're accustomed to in the States (for example advertising stating that something is quite possibly the best) in my experience I haven't found that Swedes shy away from new experiences or people but rather embrace them and are interested in them. Of course we lived in a cosmopolitan part of Sweden, in the south near the continent, where I and my American husband were welcomed with open arms. Maybe meeting someone different is an acceptable way to be nonconformist and thereby a thrill for the "reclusive Swede", but honestly I found Swedes to be in general more well traveled and open than many Americans that I know. I'm really not sure where this author A.A. Gill is coming from just that he lives in England and doesn't like Wales. How is it now that he's an expert on Scandinavia? Here's a pic of a famous Swede that doesn't fit the stereotypes, Marcus Samuelsson, famous chef of Rooster and Aquavit in New York. He is so cool, more here:
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn"t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. ~Buddha
My friend Jen posted this a couple of days ago. Not only is it so funny, it sounds a little Swedish to me! I think we are one of the only groups of people who actively desist in getting too excited about things. I mean, why get overeager when something bad could happen? Don't expect too much, and you won't get disappointed seems to be the idea. This is why my blog is called "living la vida lagom" because although I love Sweden and its people, I definitely chose to ignore some attitudes and make my own decisions about how to react and respond. For example it is probably pretty un-Swedish to talk about how lucky you are, but I am. Very lucky and thankful that I got to live another day!
My friend Jen posted this a couple of days ago. Not only is it so funny, it sounds a little Swedish to me! I think we are one of the only groups of people who actively desist in getting too excited about things. I mean, why get overeager when something bad could happen? Don't expect too much, and you won't get disappointed seems to be the idea. This is why my blog is called "living la vida lagom" because although I love Sweden and its people, I definitely chose to ignore some attitudes and make my own decisions about how to react and respond. For example it is probably pretty un-Swedish to talk about how lucky you are, but I am. Very lucky and thankful that I got to live another day!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Lukas 10.18
Grattis på namnsdagen Lukas!
My son is having his "namesday" today (Oct. 18). This is a Swedish tradition that predates birthday celebrations but no longer trumps them. There is a name for every day of the year as determined by the Swedish church. My Christina day is in July and this year I was lucky enough to celebrate it this year in Sweden with my mother and daughter who share this middle name. Lukas doesn't get to celebrate his day in Sweden this year so I compensated by making him "bullar". I can't wait until the kids come home from school so they can get a whiff of these cinnamon rolls! The recipe is attached for those of you who like to bake. Mums! Cinnamon rolls recipe.
My son is having his "namesday" today (Oct. 18). This is a Swedish tradition that predates birthday celebrations but no longer trumps them. There is a name for every day of the year as determined by the Swedish church. My Christina day is in July and this year I was lucky enough to celebrate it this year in Sweden with my mother and daughter who share this middle name. Lukas doesn't get to celebrate his day in Sweden this year so I compensated by making him "bullar". I can't wait until the kids come home from school so they can get a whiff of these cinnamon rolls! The recipe is attached for those of you who like to bake. Mums! Cinnamon rolls recipe.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
hair today, gone tomorrow
I cut my own hair today. To be compelled to do so you might think that I am:
a. cheap
b. impatient
c. crazy
or all of the above (which I am) but also in keeping with the lagom life I am trying to lead I thought why should I waste an hour and a lot of money for a trim? So I watched a you tube video, made a pony, and snipped off some (too) golden locks. And FYI, it's not like I live out in the boonies. We live in a beautiful and serviceable little town with probably more than 20 hair salons that would love to charge me an arm and a leg to cut my hair. That's what I love about the internet. All you have to do is think "why couldn't I cut my own hair?" and some free spirit has already done so and posted a video for you. Thanks out there, glad to see I'm not alone. :-)
a. cheap
b. impatient
c. crazy
or all of the above (which I am) but also in keeping with the lagom life I am trying to lead I thought why should I waste an hour and a lot of money for a trim? So I watched a you tube video, made a pony, and snipped off some (too) golden locks. And FYI, it's not like I live out in the boonies. We live in a beautiful and serviceable little town with probably more than 20 hair salons that would love to charge me an arm and a leg to cut my hair. That's what I love about the internet. All you have to do is think "why couldn't I cut my own hair?" and some free spirit has already done so and posted a video for you. Thanks out there, glad to see I'm not alone. :-)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
living la vida lagom
Living the vida lagom - what's that? Well according to my handy Swedish dictionary lagom means "just enough". So "everything in moderation" translates nicely to "lagom är bäst" (lagom is best - the Swedish mantra.) My new mantra too + a little spice and enthusiasm (exemplified by Ricky Martin's classic song "living la vida loca") 'cause a girls gotta have fun = what this blog is about!
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Inn Along the Way
It went well! My first artist residency in Maine from August 21 - 26 is in the books, literally, look at my scrap book below. :) I was pleas...

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