Friday, November 30, 2012

Time to turn on the lights!

Sweden is an extra special place in which to celebrate the holiday season -- the traditions, songs, decorations, Christmas markets and tomte make it a great place to enjoy Christmas.  Also the lights are incredibly important.  As you may know December 13th is Santa Lucia, the festival of the lights, is the day young people throughout this long country bring in the lights with song and "Lusse bullar" (special buns scented with saffron).  But there's a downside to being so far north of course, check out this article published by The Local which explains how Umeå, one of Sweden's most northern cities, plans to combat the depression from lack of light with it's special bus stations light.  A shot of vitamin D in this cold, dark place - what a great idea!  But to check out the benefits of living in the cold, dark north look at the gorgeous aurora borealis here: Who turned on the lights?
BTW, if you'd like to check out a Swedish market and you live in or around Boston, come to SWEA's jul marknad on December 15th.  Nordic Niche, i.e. moi, will be there selling ornaments.  There will be a Swedish Lucia procession complete with lovely music, and lots to do and eat.  10 - 4:00 at the Cyclorama in the South End of Boston.  Ha det så bra!
More information at

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