Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nobel prizes given out today

The Nobel Prizes were awarded today! https://sweden.se/society/the-nobel-prize/

I am always interested in the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Nobel Prizes. It's a side of Sweden you don't often see but sometimes the fancy dresses and full tuxes are dusted off and jewels added to make a spectacular sight. The King and Queen clean up nicely, and everyone dresses the part. It is something that even average Swedes enjoy at times at special occasions such as parties at a "gille" (lodge) or getting your "doctorand" (PHD). This is a picture of the Swedish royal family is at the 2018 ball, soon we will see their fashion choices for 2019.

Image result for king and queen of sweden at the nobel prize ball"

Here's a list of all the Nobel Prize winner. Congratulations to all! It's a huge honor and comes with a nice cash prize. Plus, little known fact, Lucia and her "tärnor" (helpers) wake them up with song and goodies to celebrate their winnings in the most Swedish way possible, St. Lucia. :)

And, breaking news, here's this years get-up

Friday, December 6, 2019

Thanks Bethany Communities!

The smell of Swedish meatballs and glögg wafted through the air as I entered the conference room at the Bethany Communities Care in Haverhill. The presenter was going to present a PowerPoint on Sweden, but would she get the technology to work?!! Luckily she (AKA me) had help and a cable was found in time to present "Swedish Impressions" to a room of about a dozen active seniors. Some had memories of growing up Swedish, or with Finnish relatives, others were just looking for something to do. It was a fun group and an hour later the slide show was done and we had enjoyed some treats thanks to the activities director. I presented some information on Sweden and my art that had been inspired by it, as well as a little about the customs, culture and history of Sweden.(Basically jumping from Vikings to social democracy by summarizing the period in-between as "lots of wars"). Tee, hee. Hopefully I didn't bore them too much. I tried to keep it light and festive. They were most interested in Lucia and asked many good questions. The poster they used is below.


Swedish Impressions
...at Christmas time

"Badhytt" Swedish Bath House by Tina Rawson

Tina Rawson is an American Swede with her heart split between two countries and cultures. She is an artist and teacher who explores her multicultural identity through her beautiful artwork. Come explore Sweden, famous for its healthy lifestyle, nature and of course it’s cozy Christmas culture. Join Tina for a conversation about her culture, her art, Christmas in Sweden and some Swedish treats!

Inn Along the Way

It went well! My first artist residency in Maine from August 21 - 26 is in the books, literally, look at my scrap book below. :) I was pleas...