Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend chores

Weekend chores .... one of the things I really "love" as a responsible parent and wife.  Ugh!  I remember the days of lazing around reading the Sunday paper, but no more.  Of course there was thing that my handsome and helpful husband (hereby referred to "H") did for me this weekend that made me smile. (OK, not that, get your minds out of the gutter.) :-) No, H helped me organize our room and put things up on the wall.  Very happy to have my necklaces hanging from this beautiful tin display based on tinkers art ("luffararbete" as it's called in Swedish).  Also, there's the little sheep I bought in Gotland with the famous grey sheepskin, and my favorite metal candlestick holder which is from my mother.  I also love this print!  Chagall is one of my favorite artists. I love his flight of fancies, and in this case the quite literal flight of the young couple on the chicken.  I can't think of anything more romantic than whizzing around the stars on the back of a Rhode Island red, holding a bunch of beautiful blue flowers.  H. doesn't quite get it but this is one of the reasons I love him, he put it up anyway and helped me get my cozy nook in shape.  My Nordic Niche is coming along but at home and with the business ... more on that to follow.  Now I just have to work on my photography skills!

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