Sunday, November 18, 2012


This week I am up to my eyeballs in "pyssel".  "Pyssel" means crafting and it is quite popular in Sweden where people of all ages indulge especially around the holidays and the tissue paper and glitter glue starts flying.  In American of course we are ramping up for Thanksgiving, but in Sweden the Christmas season has already taken off.  This weekend K. and I attended a craft day with the Swedish school.  In addition I am ramping up for the Swedish "Jul Marknad" (Christmas fair) sponsored by SWEA in Boston on 12/15 at Cyclorama. 

So as much as I like to craft I am feeling like my fingers are a little too glue sticky and stained with paint, and my house already a little too full of ornaments even for my liking.  Especially pre-Thanksgiving (and this is my American side speaking).  I really like Thanksgiving and the meaning of the holiday.  So, I am trying to hold off on Christmas off with one hand, as I hold a turkey drumstick with another, unless until after this weekend when let the jul pyssel rip!

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