Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm loving Halloween more as a grown-up than as a kid!  Last year the hubby and I had the best time throwing a party for our Swedish family and friends with ghoulish decorations, games, haunted house, and tricks n' treats for everyone.  This year we continued the "tradition" (of two years) with a party at our local Boys and Girls Club which involved candy, costumes, dodge ball, air hockey, cupcake decorating and bobbing for apples.  The only thing we missed this year beside our wonderful friends in Sweden and my extended family was the beer!  Hopefully next year we'll be able to help the grown ups get into the swing of things and do the monster mash with some liquid courage.  This is not something everyone wants but it can't hurt when you dress up like we did last year (see below).  By the way, the Swedes really got into dressing up and the whole Halloween thing.  Boo!  Blev ni rädda? (Did you get scared?) ;-)

Halloween bash with family 2011

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