Sunday, November 25, 2012

Swedish House Mafia

Swedish House Mafia = tomorrow's dance band (dansband) music?  Axel Hedfors (known as Axwell) actually wondered if they could become an old timey band like this on Skavlan Talkshow, aired in Sweden on 11/23 on svt.  Well I don't think the three influential and popular dj's that make up Swedish House Mafia (Axwell, Steve Angelo and Sebastian Ingrosso) could ever get that nerdy even after the current worldwide farewell tour "One Last Tour" has ended.  These guys throw a massive party and have filled arenas with over 100,000 people in Stockholm alone.  Thinking of a road trip ... Toronto in Febuary anyone?  Check out one last tour for tour dates. Maybe they could even do a cover of a classic song like this one by the Swedish dance band The Vikings called appropriately enough "Tack och farväl" (Thanks and goodbye.)  Listen below and njut! :-)

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