Monday, November 12, 2012

Sweden vs USA

Well, sorry for the delay but I've been sick like a dog.  The good thing is that my followers already know!  ;-)  So, lots of time to think and contemplate about life in the States versus life in Sweden.  My goal really is to live in the States (because my husband loves it and we're happily settled) as if I were in Sweden.  How to do that without universal healthcare, great childcare benefits, equal pay for equal work, five weeks vacation and so on you ask?  Well first you have to be lucky enough to have a husband that works, take care of your own kids, get no money for your work, and take as much vacation as you like.  This may seem tongue in cheek but that's been my best answer to date, having tried a myriad, and I mean a LOT of alternatives like part-time jobs, freelance work, full-time work, seasonal work, shop work... the list goes on.  The idea now is entrepreneurship!  How is it?  Does it work for you?  Would love to hear about you from cyberspace.  Up, up and away!  (Check out link)

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Inn Along the Way

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