Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 4 - Connections and Brownies!

Today I went to a "Boost Your Business Boston" seminar given by Facebook where I mingled with people who actually do run businesses, drank coffee and got great swag.  Oh, and listened to informational seminars.  But seriously, check out these cute hats Mail Chimp was giving away!  I gave one to each of the kids and a pad to HH - I felt very grand and generous spreading the wealth among the hoi polloi at home. The speakers included co-founder of Little Passports, owner of Hopsters, the media manager of Museum of Science and Repat Quilt founder.  It was held at the Cyclorama in Boston and I learned a lot about Facebook and Instagram.

Soooo, what did I actually make today beside connections (and my kids happy when I gave them their new hats) you ask?  Well dear reader I have to say I snuck under the wire on this one with some quick brownies that my dear daughter and I made before bed.  So there, I did make something today (barely) so day 4 was a success.  And now I need to go to bed because I got up at 5:00 AM to go the seminar. God natt!

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