Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Creativity to the MAX!

By Hannah Waldron, New York Times 5/29/15
I feel shy and slightly ashamed in front of you dear blog reader because I have failed at my goal.  I resolved to make something every day and although I have dabbled in making things most days I did take Sunday off, and I will admit, it was glorious.  I have too many things going on right now.  The big lesson for me is if you want to be creative you have to make space for it -- mentally, physically and time-wise.  I haven't done so.  My time is filled with projects and work and kids and house.  Everything is piling up.  Not feeling exceptionally "lagom" (balanced) right now, but I am excited because all the things that I am involved with are positive and fun. 

My job right now is substitute teaching and this week I have been at a vibrant Reggio-Emilia inspired preschool where the young naturalists were busy at work and play.  My home projects include starting a crafting group for friends which launches this weekend!!  I am very excited to share my house and love of making things with like-minded friends, and I have been busy preparing a project for all of us to do handily, leaving lots of time for chatting and some hot cider.  I may even get around to cleaning before they come over. ;-)

Also on the horizon is a new business idea - again I'm not going to say much but it does involve art and children - which I love - so this is very fun too!  Plus I am looking into restarting art lessons for myself thanks to a mentor who is willing to teach me and one other artist during "mother's hours".  Like I said to her though I'm not sure when that is! :)  So busy but good.  How are you doing?  Sometimes I guess we have to pull out all the stops, hopefully soon I will settle into a schedule.  Until then I am linking to an article from the New York Times called "How Creative People Can Find Their Place" by Pamela Druckerman with great advice for those trying.  (The New York Times 5/29/15)

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