Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The 17 funniest expressions in Swedish (and how to use them)

Maybe I need this:
Hejsan allihopa!  Thinking of Swedish friends and family today and I realize that my Swedish is getting a little rusty when I have to ask myself "is this really how you say that?" as I write them a little note or message.  But then again who wouldn't be confused!  When you check out these expressions you'll see what I mean. ;-) Also on my mind a possible shift blog content as I try to incorporate my day-to-day reality with my lagom (balanced) life.  Sorry if that sounds a little cryptic but I am figuring things out and I promise you that Sweden is still in my heart and that I will always be a proud Swedish-American!  (If not always the best at actually speaking Swedish)  Here's a laugh to brighten up your Tuesday and have a happy day! The 17 funniest expressions in Swedish (and how to use them)

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