Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Christening of Prince Nicolas

The Christening of Nicolas, 10/11/15
The Swedes are just cracking me up on Facebook now as they analyze this photo to the max.  Turns out that the two hat ladies to the right are Chris O'Neil's relatives.  Victoria (in the purple) is of course Princess Madeleine of Sweden's sister and next in line to the Swedish throne, and next to her is little brother Carl Philip.  His new wife Sofia is not in this picture but you can see her here and here.
I guess there's a whole website devoted to hats and her "fascinator" got the thumbs down.  Even Princess Madeleine, the new mother, got skewered in the Facebook thread but I think she looks beautiful.  Someone said her eyes seemed to be looking this way and that ( Som utklippta, påklistrade, upp- och nedvända) and others said that she looked stiff.  What do you think?  I think she's really a very pretty princess.

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