Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day 5 - A Cute Birdfeeder!

For those of you new to "Living la vida lagom" (which means basically living a balanced life) I am trying to make something every day for a year.  It's been a challenge trying to fit this resolution (read more here) into an already overloaded life while trying to stay sane and balanced, but so far I have managed.  Do not be surprised though if many of my "creations" are actually just quick ways to up-cycle what I've already got, or something I already needed to do.  I am learning though that by putting "Making Something" top of mind is forcing me to ask - Could I make that instead of buy that?  Could I use what I already have?  and What do I want to make today?  I consider that progress.

Inspired by some adorable bird feeders I saw recently at "The Vintage Bazaar" I asked myself those questions today and came up with this - a cute bird feeder on a broomstick.
Cute birdfeeder
 The original idea looked like this:
Step One
Step Two
Yes they are super cute but with a proprietary screw top system and china cups I really wasn't sure how to proceed.  So luckily I had saved this adorable bird feeder that my daughter made in kindergarten.  It's made out of balsa wood so it's nice and light, and I love the colors.  Here's how you make it.  1. Find an old broomstick sans broom.  2. Glue bird feeder onto it.  (I used Elmer's Wood Glue.) And voila!  The hardest part was holding it upright while it dried because we don't have clamps.  That's all for today folks!  Have a happy weekend!

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