Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fat Day?

Happy Fat Tuesday, called Fettisdagen in Sweden, the land of the skinny jeans.  We celebrate it with these beauties, called semlor or fastlagsbullar, and they are worth every calorie and subsequent leg lift at the gym.
Just a simple cardamon bun, with a daub of delicious almond paste, and filled with whipped cream.  It can be eaten as is (preferably with a good cup of coffee and friend) or settled in a bowl of warm milk.  My mouth is already watering.  I'm going to link to this gorgeous site to give you the recipe (semla recipe) and some atmospheric photos of Sweden. Enjoy the beautiful pictures, and hopefully a mouthful of this delicious treat sometime soon.  I'm making myself hungry just writing this ... to the kitchen, stat!  The gym can wait. 

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