Monday, February 11, 2013

So Cool

Hej, guess who's Too cool for school?  We are!  Nords are in.  :-)  I mean the Nordic people of course.  From Feb 19 until March 17th "Nordic Cool" will be at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.  Wish I could go!  Let's just pull some copy verbatim because Alicia Adams, Festival Curator, really seems to get it:

Nordic Cool 2013 manifests the intersection of life and nature, art and culture. Appreciation of and respect for the natural environment are reflected throughout the Nordic countries-and they're deeply rooted in the arts there, too.
The impact of the region's long, dark, and cold winters (sometimes brightened by the amazing light of the aurora borealis). The sounds of the surrounding sea. The long horizon. The midnight sun in summer. All of these elements create a unique environment in northern Europe. The purity of the water and air. The lava rocks and evergreens. They all comprise a landscape and natural world that is truly breathtaking.
Along our journey to discover and ultimately create Nordic Cool 2013--and to answer, or at least attempt to answer, the question "What is Nordic?"--I experienced the art, culture, people, land, and values that are honored daily. Among them: nature, sustainability, innovation, design and technology, children's well-being and rights, gender equality, and diversity.
Right on! OK, so I'm not so cool but my Nordic peeps are.  Try to go if you can.  And speaking of cool, we were of course hit with blizzard Nemo and I was hit with the flu so I'm a little off my game.  Hope you don't mind my copying A. Adams sage words above but we're a little preoccupied with this cool stuff right now!

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