Saturday, June 6, 2015

Studenten and Kindergarten Celebrations!

Studenten in Sweden, Graduation from Highschool
Good morning!  I got to sleep in today - what a difference that makes!  I woke with my head full of dreams, and now with a belly full of coffee, I am raring to go ... to my computer to tell you about my week.  At school we had a mini "Celebration of Growth" for the kindergartners and it was so sweet.  Every child had someone special come to celebrate with them whether it was a grandfather, mother, father, or in the case of my little charge her mother, grandmother two aunts and three cousins!  It really filled my heart to see how many people love her, and to finally meet them was great.  The year of taking care of her all by myself at school was hard, but we bonded and I really like her. So now that summer is only 12 days away I'm happy to know that she is surrounded by family and that she will be fine. 

And soon I will be surrounded by family too.  I miss them so much.  There's something about being home with mom that makes you feel more relaxed, and I sure do need that.  My job has para-professional has been one of strong will, hard work, and being flexible and patient.  It has been physically and emotionally draining but sometimes like on this Friday when "my" little girl reached out her hand and pulled me in to meet her family and gave me a big hug it feels good.  I hope that she will remember me, I will remember her and I know that she will do well.  It's not easy growing up but she has people who care on her side, as do I.  And God knows I'm still not grown up! And still don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up -- any good ideas?  ;-)

A piece of advice to those of you who are graduating, whether it be college, studenten in Sweden*, or kindergarten if offered two jobs go with the person that believes in you the most no matter what the job is because the manager who believes in and likes you is the one you want.  Good luck! Lycka till!

* Studenten is when Swedes graduate from high-school.  They wear white and caps like these and they are feted with parties, and in the case of Lund at least given special rides to the event.  My mother rented a horse and wagon for mine!

This is the song that they played at our kindergarten celebration - it's a really tearjerker. Enjoy.
 "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift

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