Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer with Ernst

Love this guy!! Ernst Kirchsteiger is back on TV this summer in Sweden fixing up another house. Can't wait to see what he does with this one, it will knock your socks off without a doubt.  He's like the male Martha Stewart but more "gosig" (cozy).  In this video, he is making a garden bench.  I wish you could understand the words he uses to describe this project.  He's like a "carpenter bard" for example talking about in this video how it's helpful sometimes to make something small and "extremely constructive".  Huh?  At any rate -- love his patter and style -- it makes for some nice interior design drool and ideas. Here Sköna Hem (a Swedish interior decorating magazine) took some of his quotes and added fun pictures to them.
Like this one, above, that say "I get a little warm in my heart (or care about) when I sit in front of such an old house." Well, he probably didn't mean this house!  Here's another fun one that handsome hubby would probably appreciate: "You have to see the pillows as an orchestra."  Ha, ha!!
For more fun pictures from Sköna Hem check out this link. Ernst is on Swedish TV4. 
Follow this for a clip of him meeting the new carpenters for 2015's summer house: Nymansgården på Björskogsnäs near Hällefors in the middle of Sweden, .

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