Monday, June 29, 2015

Almedalen - Sweden's power week

grey politicians head to Almedalen
If you have any interest in Swedish politics you'll no doubt hear about Almedalen, a place the last week of June, where politicians and power brokers meet and mingle.  Held on Visby it crams political conferences into 8 short days, the perfect way for the political mavens to maximize their July vacations. The events are free and should be easy to get into but as there are about 20,000 attendees on a small island that's not really the case.  There are about 3000 events on this program this year Luckily they have the days figured out a little to help with planning giving one day to each party.  For more information about the issues discussed at Almedalen check out this link.

Here's the timetable for 2015
Sunday June 28th - Centerpartiet (Centre Party)
Monday June 29th - Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats)
Tuesday June 30th - Kristdemokraterna (Christian Democrats)
Wednesday July 1st - Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats)
Thursday July 2nd - Miljöpartiet (Green Party)
Friday July 3rd - Moderaterna (Moderate Party)
Saturday July 4th - Vänsterpartiet (Left Party)
Sunday July 5th - Folkpartiet (Liberal Party)

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