Monday, June 15, 2015


Today I have a guest blogger - someone who's read the book on my bedside table has graciously provided me with a review so I know what I'm getting myself into.  Having just gone to IKEA I love this concept, the names of the products and the whole look of the book.  IKEA is a clever maze and I can see where someone would get the idea of setting a horror story there.  Can't wait to read it!
Horrorstör ~ Grady Hendrix   
Sometimes a horror story is just the thing. This one is set in a furniture mega-store called Orsk, a thinly veiled version of IKEA. There’s plenty of sort-of-Swedish brand names of various products, a twisting maze store layout, and references to notoriously problematic assembly instructions. The stores employees have been experiencing weirdly ruined merchandise and spotted some strange characters in the store. This leads one floor manager to gather a few employees for an after hours late shift to try to figure out what’s going on. Things go rapidly downhill from there. I loved the setting and the story zips along. It begins with a dark sense of humor and then gets into some typical horror stuff. Fun ride.

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