Friday, May 22, 2015

Lindström thank you very much! And Måns Z!

Happy Memorial Day weekend kick-off everyone!  An extra day off here in the States, and we sure can use it. I hope that you have a wonderful Friday.  I'm all set to watch the Eurovision Semi Finals from 3 - 5:00 (Eastern Standard time) today on SVT,play.  Handsome hubby linked up the laptop and I think all I have to do is hit play (hope so). ;-) Here's the line up for the second semifinal:
All the countries are clickable in the list above so you can hear the songs.  And here's the link: Semi #2.  Heja Sverige och Måns (the Swedish singer of Heroes, our Eurovision song).

Speaking of Sweden, love those Minnesotan descendants who made sure to keep the ö in the o! Check it out here:  In Lindstöm they know that the ö makes a diff, but some people don't know that ä, å, and ö are actually letters with their own sounds and not just put there to look fancy and "Swedishy" like Häagen-Dazs®.  Actually I have no idea how that would sound but it does taste good.  Have a great däåög!  :-)
man candy - aka Måns Zelmerlöv (See all the umlauts folks?) 

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