Sunday, March 15, 2015

And the Melodifestival winner is Heroes!

So the results are in and Heroes won!  I'm happy for several reasons:
  • I bet my husband that Heroes would win which he did royally with 35.5% of the votes
  • I liked Måns Zelmerlöw's singing and his behavior during the big reveal was appropriate - nice to see he's not too cool for school.
  • Måns is from Lund, my Swedish home town, yeah!
Here is the song, which I think has good chances at the Eurovision contest on May 3rd. 
Below please find my snarky comments (in italics) on each of the contestants because the best part of watching the show is getting to make fun of everyone.  That and eating cheese curls ;-)

The Final contestant list annotated by the snarky Swede aka me
  • Samir & Viktor - Groupie (Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad, Kevin Högdahl, Maria Smith, Viktor Thell) Groupie instead of selfie cry tons of back up dancers, and two "Wham!" wanna-bes. They were excited to get points from some international country... not sure which one.  Can you say "Zoolander"? 
  • JTR - Building It Up (JTR, Erik Lewander, Iggy Strange Dahl) I missed this one - my video cut out, but it didn't get a single vote so no biggie
  • Dinah Nah - Make Me (La La La) (Dinah Nah, dr alban, Jakke Erixson, Karl-Ola Kjellholm Meh, cute girl but the song and the mess of chessy back-up dancers makes it a miss.
  • Jon Henrik Fjällgren - Jag är fri (Manne Liem Frije) (Jon Henrik Fjällgren, Erik Holmberg, Tony Malm, Josef Melin) Lots of people wanted this "yoik" song to win (see my blog about this style of singing that the Lapps created here) but I thought it was over playing the Swedish angle.  And that's saying a lot. ;-) Great Britain liked him.

  • Jessica Andersson - Can’t Hurt Me Now (Aleena Gibson, Fredrik Thomander) She's stunning, and so was the dress, but the song felt old, whiny and dusty.  She said that she would change her clothes if she won Melodifestivalen so I guess she's stuck wearing this one. Ha, ha!
  • Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes (Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad, Joy Deb, Linnea Deb) It won by a landslide.  The song is good and so are the special effects.  He's cute too.  Like that.
  • Linus Svenning - Forever Starts Today (Aleena Gibson, Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad, Fredrik Kempe) Facial hardware, tattoes and hard body don't mix with sappy song and off-key vocals. Forever does not start today for this guy.
  • Isa - Don’t Stop (Isa Tengblad, Johan Ramström, Gustaf Svenungsson, Magnus Wallin, Oscar Merner) She's a 16 year old cutie.  Hubby asked. "Who's that Zara Larsson?"  Good question, but no, not as good.  And again with the bad dancing, what's up with that?
  • Magnus Carlsson - Möt mig i Gamla stan (Thomas G:son, Lina Eriksson) I really did not like this song.  Guy seemed desperate, and I gues it's his eigth time at the Music Festival so it all makes sense.  The whole thing, including his eyebrows, felt overproduced.  Sorry.
  • Eric Saade - Sting (Fredrik Kempe, Hamed ”K-one” Pirouzpanah, David Kreuger, Sam Arash Fahmi) This was my second favorite.  He had a Michael Jackson jacket which deterred by a nice danceable song.  He's from Skåne too!

  • Mariette - Don’t Stop Believing (Miss Li, Sonny Gustafsson) Mariette, what can I say, the dreadlocks and crow apparel didn't work for me.  The Mediterrean nations seemed to approve but it was cheese city.  The witches coven in the back didn't help one bit. It's so bad it's funny.  I have to post her video so you can check out the dancer with weird feet that appears early in the song.  Not to be believed. 
  • Hasse Andersson - Guld och gröna skogar (Anderz Wrethov) Good old Hasse, so Skånsk he's almost a parody of himself, but fact is I do know people who talk like that.  Anyway the whole package with the syrupy dance band nostagia, combined with his heavy accent proved too much for my taste.  Many Swedes loved him of course. HH called him the Swedish Kenny Rogers - Kenneth Rogersson perhaps?
My son thinks I'm being too cruel so my apologies, in advance, but it's just toooo much fun not to diss.  Add comments if you have anything to add or think I'm nuts.  (Swedes can get very passionate about this stuff I know.) More here about the contest  melodifestival-2015.html On to Vienna!  I bet Conchita is looking forward to meeting Måns.  Can you see why I love this ****?
Conchita Wurst

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