Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Home Swede Home

From the store Udda Tina at http://www.uddatina.se/
Gotta love that name!  (Odd Tina)
Please excuse the veering off into the global internet, but my head is full of facts and figures and I needed a little DIY escapism.  I love this ottoman at Better Homes and Garden for example, that will have to be added to my many pins in the folder that should be called "Crafts-that-I-think-that-I-could-do-but-never-get-around-to-doing." Check out the instructions here, DIY Ottoman.  I blog about all things Swenglish but actually this global bohemian look is really popular in Sweden, especially against a white background, as just a few pictures from various Swedish blogs attest.  Hey, we all need colors!

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