Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday!

Did you see my post about Snaps visor (schnapps songs) and the contest?  It ends today so get your entries in now! Here's the scoop:  Speaking of drinking songs, this fun one is sung to the tune of the Jungle Book’s “Bare Necessities“, or in Swedish, “Be satisfied with all that life gives” (Var nojd med allt som livet ger Disney's song in Swedish here!)  

Var nöjd med allt som ölen ger                           Be satisfied with all beer gives 
och även om du dubbelt ser.                              Even if you’re seeing double
Glöm bort bekymmer sorger och besvär.       You’ll soon forget your worries and your cares! 
Var glad och nöjd för vet du vad                      Be happy and satisfied because, you know,
en folköl gör ju ingen glad.                                A low alcohol beer doesn't make anyone happy! 
Var nöjd med ölen som vi dricker här.            Be satisfied with the beer that we drink here. 

If I seem a little flippant it's because life has been throwing a lot at me pretty fast.  So, time to relax with my family and friends, and a glass of small-batch beer ( this weekend. We will be staying put for once, enjoying our own little house, and I think that's a good thing.  So, cheers to being content, and happy with whatever life throws your way! I'm getting ready for this weekend! See 9/14 - Spinners and Beer.

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