Sunday, July 7, 2013

Knopp by Klong

"Knopp by Klong" - this is a serious blog post but I can't help poking fun at the names.  "Knopp" means bud and these beautifully designed pendant lamps remind one of fantastical flowers.  "Klong" is a name chosen by a design collective in Sweden to symbolize a sound and a timeless style of useful things.  (I am paraphrasing, more on their site here.
Ania Pauser, the 28 year old Swedish designer, came up with these lamps during her studies at Carl Malmsten where she experimented with perforated material and making something three dimensional out of something two dimensional.  I was seriously considering buring one of these lamps, they throw such beautiful shadows, but I don't think my budget allows for it at the time.  Another beautiful Swedish item to add to the wish list.

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