Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sweet Swedish Homes and Textiles

I'd like to start a regular feature where I highlight Swedish homes.  There's so much inspiration to be gleaned and as handsome hubby and I are planning on renovating it's a great way to brush up on my aesthetic and get new ideas.  First up an amazing "parade lägenhet" (parade apartment) from Malmö featured in the blog, "My Scandinavian Home", that I follow and love.  Check out:

Also what blog entry about Swedish homes would be complete without a mention of the giant force in the home industry IKEA?  Hubby and I are going there this weekend to look at the Lidingö kitchen and I am so digging the Swedish Country look which is my stylistic first love i.e. "allmoge" as it's called in Sweden.  See http://www.ikeafamilylivemagazine.com/us/en/article/31963  Here's a peak at Eva Lundgreen's work above.
Eivor Leva by Kajsa Aronsson at IKEA

IKEA does a great job of sourcing it's textiles (shout out to Kajsa Aronsson, friend, part-owner of HAPPY Stockholm, and textile designer extraordinaire). HAPPY Sthlm She developed this gem above "Eivor Leva" for example.  Stop by her store in Gamla Stan, Stockholm if you're there and tell her Tina sent you. ;-)  You'll be so inspired.  Well I can't make it to Sweden this weekend but looking forward to checking out the new Swedish Country collection in Stoughton, and planning our new kitchen.  It's a start.

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