Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hilma af Klint - cool Swedish artist

Can you imagine living in the late 19th century when magnetism, electricity and x-rays were invented?  The unseen world became manifest in magnificent, mind boggling ways.   Not strange then that seances and spiritualism were as popular as they were.  If forces unknown could show through your skin to your organs, or bring your relative's voice into your living room through a phone, then surely, they believed, we could connect with the dead?

Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) was an artist who pursued these ideas and deemed her art to be so futuristic that she didn't want the public to see it until 20 years after her death. The Modern Museum says that she was influenced by contemporary spiritual movements, such as spiritism, theospohy, and later, anthroposophy* and that when she painted she believed a higher consciousness was speaking through her.  They now have a retrospective up at the Stockholm Modern Museum (Hilma af Klint exhibit).  Some are saying she was the pioneer of abstract art.  What do you think?  I like this one:
De tio största, nr 3, Ynglingaåldern
The show is up until May 26th.  Maybe I'll just fly on over and check it out? ;-)
* an·thro·pos·o·phy
 [ ànthrə póssəfee ]   
  1. spiritual philosophy: a religious philosophy developed by Rudolf Steiner from theosophy, holding that spiritual development should be humankind's foremost concern. Waldorf education uses this philosophy.

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