Friday, June 3, 2016

baking bullar

Swedish buns, mmm, could there be anything better?  Get your mind out of the gutter folks, I'm talking about bread here! :-) Every time I make "bullar" the house smells like home. I love the sweet cinnamon smell and the way it allows for stress relief when I pound away on the warm dough.

Today I'm making vetebröd (Swedish coffee bun recipe here) for the Multicultural fair that we have every year in our little town.  I've been the resident Swede for so long at this event, I think I'm ready to pass on the torch.  Any takers?

Then again, I do love when the little kids ask me questions, and someone remembers that Aunt Anna came from Sweden.  It stirs up conversations between young and old about their own heritage and what it means to them.  Some people even know a word or two in Swedish!  Like "fin flicka" (nice girl) or something like that.  It's a nice event, but now that my own rascals are growing up and unwilling to help I think I might hang up my "dräkt" (Swedish folk costume) next year.
Is this the best cafe in Sweden to grab a fika?
In the meantime, until I start my own Swedish cafe, here's a list of some great places to "fika" (have a coffee break) in the motherland.  Annas Hembageri in Mariefred won!  It does look nice, meet you there!

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Slow Living Lagom and Fika

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