Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Falsterbo Horse Show Encapsulated

To be honest I don't know much about horses so don't keep reading if you expect stats and expert analysis of jumping or dressage.  (Dressage is a fancy, side-stepping thing that horses do with their riders on top as far as I can tell.)  But it was a cool day and it seemed the thing to do instead of the beach so off I went.  I'm glad that I did!

It was a real folk fest with good food, a great market and lots of areas in which to view horses doing their thing.  So why not go?  The price didn't deter me (170 Swedish krones is a lot but I knew that I could go in and out of the area all day.)  And I really wanted a pair of these träskor (clogs) by Tessa & Mimi and I knew they'd be in the market area. You know me and my clog addiction. ;-)

What else is there to buy?  Well anything horses from high-end, to low-end and all between including the practical bits and pieces to the fancy clothes and jewelry for humans and horses alike.  I am not kidding you, they sell jeweled head thingers for the horses that look bedazzled.  Here are some pics of the booths so you can see the range...
Also there was food from korv (hot dogs) on one end of the spectrum  to oysters and champagne on the other.  As I think you can pretty much guess I ate korv.  Ha, ha!  It was good.  Then off to the "races", to see the beautiful horses jump over different difficult obstacles.  Most were very good, some excellent, and the crowd applauded appreciatively either way.  They weren't a stuck-up bunch overall, as you can see from this picture, but maybe they come out later in the evening when it's "after-horse" or later in the week when the heavy hitters perform.  I don't know.  Much.  But I do love horses!

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