Friday, July 29, 2016

Den som spar, han har

I can't believe that I've been blogging for five years now!  It's been a fun way to keep in touch with all things Swedish and to feel connecting to the homeland.  I've blogged about my life, my likes, my art and my adventures.  There's quite a lot of stuff on this blog.  Funny considering the amount of stuff that I have in my life and my house!!  I am trying hard to re-use, re-cycle and get rid of things.  I am determined to get organized for the new school year.  I have a new class and need a fresh perspective and room for learning about Montessori, as well as the time to try new approaches in Start 2 Art.  

So with that said I hope that you'll forgive my recycling, re-using and up-grading of old blog posts.  I don't want to stop blogging because I love it but time is limited and ticking!  This Swedish quote "Den som spar, han har" means "He who saves, has", so with that maxim in mind please forgive in advance my recycling of older posts while I save my time to get organized here at La Casa Lagom! Tack 

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