Friday, July 8, 2016

60's Sweden

Hi all!  I am writing you from "the old country". I hope that everyone is having a great summer.  Here we are thinking about the 60's today, in particular the clothes, as we scavenge through my mother's closet for some key choices for a party with that theme.  My aunt and uncle are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow -- yeah! -- and my nieces, mother and I will be dressing 60's for the occasion.  My sister was able to find a gorgeous pink dress in silk with a matching jacket.  We have determined that she has to wear a pill box to go with. ;)
My mother and I are going with the hippie look, and the girls may as well.  Here are some fun ideas to ponder.  Otherwise the final of the European Soccer Championship will be held Sunday night between Portugal and France.  I saw the French beat Germany and it was an exciting game.  The Swedes never made it but I look forward to seeing the game!

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