Saturday, January 9, 2016

Start 2 Art is starting!

Excited to be starting my art classes for kids 8+ this Monday, and a little nervous too! We have a little group, perfect for my inaugural class. We will have portraiture as our first theme.  I hope to get to know the children better that way and plan to share my portraits with them as well as famous artists such as Frida Kahlo's work.  In particular we're going to look at this painting -  "Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird" (1940) and talk about the symbols she used in her work.  What does it mean?  What is the thorn necklace remind you of and the hummingbird?" Then they'll make their own portrait and because today's selfies have been compared to portraits, we'll make a phone case in which to display our selfie or portrait, adding personal symbols to it.  Should be fun!  What do you think?

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