The fashion is rocking as is the terrain. Would love to go to Lapland someday, or "The Land of the Midnight Mosquitoes" as it's also known. :-) If I went this might be the place, Rovaniemi in Finland is only 6 miles south of the Arctic Circle and the official home of Santa Claus. Perhaps it's his second home, check it out here!

Here Milou is pulling her canoe and wearing stylish skinny jeans to do so. The credits go to -
"Photographed by Paul Bellaart and styled by Jetteke van Lexmond for the January issue, the Dutch beauty seems prepared with every camper’s go to gear including a knapsack, tent and thermal, and keeping the glam throughout her woodsy trip. Beauty is courtesy by Irena Ruben. The fashion spread was photographed in Swedish Lapland. See more of Paul Bellaart on his biography or visit the photographer's website here. "
My words exactly ;-) Isn't this picture to die for? Maybe Kebnekaise is in the background.

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