Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Waffle Day!

We love waffles!
Happy Waffle Day everyone!  This is one of these silly traditions you've gotta love - March 25th is "Waffle Day" in Sweden simply because they lazily began to mispronounce "Vårfrudagen" ('Lady Day' or 'The Feast of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady', yeah, that's a mouthful) with "Våffeldagen" or waffle day!  And that's a nice mouthful too.  Yum, nice crispy waffles with whipped cream and berries.  Delish!  They are so good, and easy to make.  My mother used to make these for the kids once a week in Sweden and now I am trying to pick up the slack. Here's a nice site I found for Swedish food.  Check out, Swedish waffles recipe!
This recipe is best to use with a traditional heart-shaped or Belgian waffle iron but they give a substitution if you don't have one - like me.  Here's an idea of what real Swedish waffles look like: 
And a look at a typical Swedish waffle iron below.  Even if you have to buy store bought today is a good excuse to eat waffles for breakfast or dinner.  Mums!

- Info on Våffledagen from Nordstjernan.

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