Hej! This was my weekend -- sleeping, lounging, eating, laughing... ahh... heaven. I think it was the first time in maybe 10 years that I slept in and then read in bed for a couple of hours. The kids just played, ate bagels and did stuff with daddy. Isn't that amazing? I thought so. I holed up with "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert (you know that book that everyone else read eons ago) and polished it off by Sunday night. I loved it, but being a bit of a book snob I didn't read it when it was all the rave. Just goes to show I'm not so different from anyone else. So now that we are being totally honest some other "low brow" entertainment I must profess to liking is "Melodifestival", the schlacky singing competition held in Sweden and other European countries every March. See my blog post about last year, 2013
Actually the really fun thing about Melodifestival are the parties in Sweden where you watch the show, gossip about the contestants, vote and diss other people's favs. So party on Swedes! Eurovision style in May.

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