Friday, January 17, 2014

Silken pine

Walk through woods in NH

Ah silken pine, just hearing this lovely name makes me want to run out, first into the woods, and then to stock up on this Benjamin Moore paint for the dining room!  But if it was just called 'light green' would I pine for it as much?  What if instead of iceberg, silken pine, misty air and super white the BM colors below were called light blue, light green, beige and white?  Would it then be as intoxicating to play with all the color strips, stop by the paint store one million times, and drive yourself mad deciding? As Juliet says; "What's in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other names would smell as sweet".  (Romeo and Juliet Act 1, Scene 2).  But isn't part of the fun of redecorating the dream that these names conjure up, of how your home with just a little "rosemary sprig" or "Caribbean teal" could be the home of your dreams?  Probably, and I like to dream.  Work not so much.  ;-)
Well the siren call of silken pine is whispering to me now, whistling through the winds, coming softly through my dining room windows and settling its soft scent on our vinegar-laden air*.  Getting all poetic today ain't I? Well maybe I was inspired by this pretty palette, the drapes below, and William Blake who wrote:

Man was made for joy and woe
And when this we rightly know
Thro' the world we safely go
Joy and woe are woven fine
A clothing for the soul divine
Under every grief and pine
Runs a joy with silken twine

"Auguries of Innocence" by William Blake
Artisan Prints "Bonsai Soft Fern" pattern at Mark Alexander
* Removing yucky beige wallpaper with vinegar and water and work.

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