Saturday, May 4, 2013

industrial chic in Sweden

Good morning.  I found this" loverly" site, and with due credit, wanted to share some industrial chic photos from Sweden with you,

http://www.stellanherner.sevia nicety
Swedes are well know for their love of white and peaceful settings without too much clutter, but you may not have know that cement is a big trend over there.  People are making many of their own planters, bowls etc. to use inside and out. (See Panduro, Swedish largest hobby store, in English Panduro Hobby in UK for more hobby ideas.)  It's cool to see the use of concrete on these stairs:
miss design
And in this bathroom:
Miss Design, I'm loving your style and hope you don't mind me sharing with the States.  There is something so rustic and soothing about the cool colors, and use of the natural ingredients.  It makes me want to try out concrete and make something of our own.  Bird bath anyone?  :-)  Have a lovely weekend!

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