Friday, May 19, 2017

Nerdy- wordy post

Hello dear readers, hope that you are having a lovely Sunday.  We're busy at La Casa Lagom with soccer, end of year school reports, and planning for new business venture so not so lagom right now. But balance will prevail once the pieces fall into place, and snart är de sommar!!! (soon it's summer!) Or as Gyllene Tider says: "Sommartiden"! :)

Being a teacher has its perks, particurarly a nice long vacation with family.  Can't wait to head to Sweden! I have been teaching the boy Swedish in the car on our way to his highschool.  He spent a year there in 4th grade but now that he is in 9th he needs a serious refresher.  We sing songs and go over the grammar.  Perhaps that's why I found this article so interesting. We will be practicing our Swedish all summer, it's actually a pretty easy language to learn for English-speakers.  Check out why here - Here's a cool tidbit from the article for those of you who don't want to click over ---
  • Swedish and English share 1,558 words. Examples include accentdigital and salt. However, Swedish people learning English must beware of “false friends”. These are Swedish words spelt the same as English words, but with different meanings. Examples include the Swedish word “bra”, which means “good”, and “glass”, which means “ice cream”. Don’t get too confused if a Swede asks you if you would like to eat some glass. They’re not out to get you – quite the opposite in fact!

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Slow Living Lagom and Fika

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