Sunday, March 13, 2016

Melodifestival 2016

Late-breaking news, Frans Jeppsson is the winner of the Swedish national final of Melodifestival and he'll be going on to the Eurovision finals. Love this kids accent, it's "Skånsk" (he's from Ystad in Skåne) and it warms my heart.  Frans is just 17 and he's a cutie if perhaps a little rough around the edges.  The song is "If I Were Sorry".  For those of you who don't know, Eurovision is a music competition in which contestant from 40 countries compete in the country of last year's winner, in this case Måns Zelmerlöv of Sweden!  He sang "Heroes", a great song.  This song isn't as good but I haven't had time to check out all the competition, you just never know.

Personally I love that Eurovision is still a big cheese fest.  For example check out Austria's video, the song is pretty but "Loin d'ici" is a pretty great example of the cheesiness throughout the whole show. How about those magical mushrooms and the off the rack discounted bridal gown?  Snarky, yes, but that's part of the fun.  (Sorry Zoe.)

And just got the news that Lynda Woodruff will be the spokesperson again for Eurovision's melody festival this year to be held in Stockholm in May, 2016.  That should be fun.  Here's a little silliness from the Lynda Woodruff, the lady who likes to massacre names, from 2013:

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