Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sweden Hills - in Japan?!

OMG, I am having a hard time believing that these photos are in fact from Japan! I've lived in Sweden and even I am having a difficult time seeing the differences in the houses, terrain, and even the flowers which look the same!
All images via Sweden HillsJapan Property Central, and KameraTrollet
I guess that the town Sweden Hills was started by a Swede in 1979 on the island of Hokkaido, Japan  when he was struck by the similarities.  It's located 19 miles from Sapporo, the largest city on Japan's northernmost island  By 1984 construction started and in 2005 there were 550 residents, people who have embraced not only the architecture but also the culture and traditions of Sweden!  I have to visit this place.  It must be otherworldly to be in Japan and yet feel like  you're in Sweden.  I love that they celebrate Midsummer's Eve and appear to really appreciate Swedish culture.
Maybe these little cuties might need a new Swedish teacher?  What an adventure that would be!

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