Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Princess Estelle turned 4 on 2/22/16
This lovely young lady turned 4 a couple of days ago.  Princess Estelle, daughter of Victoria and Daniel, is soon to be a big sister too so as you can see lots of important things are happening in the Swedish Royal Family.
On the other side of the pond my number one son is turning 14!  That's the most important thing for us in February and we couldn't be more proud of "pågen"  (the boy).  He's having a birthday party on Saturday but in the meantime we celebrated with pizza, cake and presents and watched an old four Musketeers film (yes, you read that right).  This movie also known as "The Four Muskateer's: Milady's Revenge" had lots of old old-fashioned sword fighting, conniving and canoodling.  I got confused to be honest because the plot swerved here and there and they all wore red a lot and fought each other willy-nilly but I think that the birthday boy liked it. :)

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