Friday, January 20, 2017

My Best Christmas Gift

One of my best Christmas presents - not including the love of my family, friends and cats - was one I bought myself.  Ha, ha!  I saw these adorable Pandora charms at the Copenhagen airport and feeling nostalgic about leaving Scandinavia, promptly bought them both.  Aren't they cute?
The is the Viking - my fav!

Here's the Danish mermaid based on Hans Christian Andersen's book "The Little Mermaid".  The real scupture is in Copenhagen.

The Little Mermaid (statue) The Little Mermaid (Danish: Den lille Havfrue) is a bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen, depicting a mermaid. The sculpture is displayed on a rock by the waterside at the Langelinie promenade in Copenhagen, Denmark. (from Wikipedia). 

I've visited the scupture in Copenhagen and it's really lovely, a lot smaller than most people realize but well worth the visit.  Hope to make it back there this summer and jangle my charm at her! :)

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