Friday, April 1, 2016

Johan at your feet

Image result for johan gevalia
What is up with this weird ad campaign?  Let's discuss Johan and Gevalia.  What do you think?  I feel like it's a strange twist on the Swedish blond stereotype.  Fika is a coffee break, a time to socialize with friends, co-workers and family.  This Johan guy makes it sound like something "snuskig" (naughty) don't you think? Now watch this TV ad which ran in 2012.

Here's Johan getting off a Gevalia plane and being handed a cup of joe, or as he likes to say it "a cup of Johan".  Notice the stewardess giving him the once over?  Next he talks about massaging your feet and the ticket agent also looks at him longingly.  He's going to talk about feelings with you.

As he steps into a cab he hands his associate the half drunk cup of coffee and she's thrilled.  His assistant, secretary, hook-up what?  Why is she so happy to get his germ ridden cup?  This ad is so rife with old musty stereotypes it's gross.  And what's up with his hair?  What do you think dear readers?  Please watch "Motorcade" and let me know.  I like Gevalia and drink the Colombian brew but I can't say that I like these ads!
Here's the real story on Gevalia:

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