Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Social Democrats Win!

Swedes have had their day at the polls and the results are in... Social Democrats came up ahead with 43.7 percent of the votes, and the governing coalitition formerly with Reinfeldt at the head got 39.3 percent. So a shift in the pervailing winds to the left, and back to a less business-friendly environment and one that embraces more of the old fashioned "cradle to grave" social experience in Sweden.
Photo By Jonas Ekstromer/AP 
The leader of Sweden’s Social Democrats, Stefan Lofven, leaves a polling station in Stockholm during the Swedish general elections, Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014.
The Guardian wrote  on Friday, 9/12 before the polls that: "Löfven is ahead in the polls on promises to raise spending on schools and hospitals and raise taxes after eight years of Reinfeldt trimming welfare. But his lead has narrowed to single digits in recent weeks – in part due to doubts about the former trade unionist's experience to run the country. At stake is who will lead one of Europe's most successful economies. Despite growth outdoing the eurozone since the financial crisis, a housing boom and falling taxes, Löfven hopes to capitalise on voters seeking a return to Sweden's older image of cradle-to-grave welfare and job security." full article here:  

Embarrassing to many Swedes was that the anti-immigration party "Sweden Democrats" got 13 percent of the vote making it the third largest party in the Swedish Parlament.  Jimmie Akesson sounds like a real boob.  Check out this funny link a friend posted to her Facebook page, "jag vet inte" means I don't know.  Seems like there's A LOT he doesn't understand.

More about the Swedish 2014 election here:

And I found this video that does a good job explaining the 8 parties in Sweden that you can vote for:

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