Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Beach, blanket, books!

Living la vida lagom has meant for me this week: books, beach and cleaning.  Do you sometimes find that summer flies by too fast carting kids to camps, and making do with a quick hotdog to truly enjoy the season?  Well I do too so yesterday we opted to hit the beach, Wallis Sands to be exact, with good friends and good books.  I finished Henning Mankell's " A Treacherous Paradise" and Master Luke worked on the Code Alera serie (book 5) while his little sister read more from "Ivy and Bean."  I love that the kids now enjoy reading as much as hubby and I.  It's such a wonderful thing to pass on to your children.  (Former 2nd grade teacher talkin' here.)  Speaking of wonderful things to pass on - a couple of ancient tomes were reacquired by the Swedish government lately.  Stolen by a library worker, who later killed himself, they were purchased by an antique dealer in Baltimore and sold.  When he found out that they were stolen he bought them back from his clients - out of pocket- and returned them to Sweden.  Honest bookseller makes good, that's a feel-good news story don't you think? Swedish stolen books returned  Now on to cleaning!

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Slow Living Lagom and Fika

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