Monday, October 10, 2016

Parenting in a crazy world

Parenting is hard.  Let's agree on that.  This is something I happened to listen to and here are some nuggets that I gleaned that may help:

  • Never try to enchance who you are, that should happen within you. 
  • Your child should not be like you.  They are not like you.  
  • Make parenting a joyful process he says.  (OK, that's true, and I need to stop telling my kids what to do.  But there's also restrictions and the pervasive advice from society and all the other people out there who tell you what to do.)

Today I told my highschool aged son to stick with Student Council because it looked good on a college application.  He thinks it's boring, but I felt like he should do it because he could help shape the school.  The swami says to look at myself instead of my child and that the children exagerate what we are doing.  I guess maybe I should do more for his school too.  The swami says I should worry more about how to make myself likeable. The swami says that creating the necessary ambience is a large part of parenting which includes joy, love, care and discipline.  So, am I good enough?

Love, meditiveness, and openess are what he preaches.  I am not one who normally listens to these you-tube things but this practice is something that I can agree with.  I do love my kids and I do try to show them that.  I guess we just need to do our best as parents.  Here is another podcase on how to live happily.  It's good to mull over... wishing you a happy week!

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