Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"We are the World" Swedish Style

Last night Swedish artists collected money for the refugees by putting on a 4-1/2 hour musical extravaganza called "Hela Sverige Skramlar".  40 million Swedish krones were collected!  That's 
4,755,648.00 US DOLLARS!  
Wowsers Swedes, you really outdid yourselves, congratulations!  That's just amazing and so heartfelt. I feel so proud to be Swedish right now.   Here's where Americans can help: UNHCR.  It's photos like this one that started the wheels turning.  Did you know that half of the 60 million people now in flight are children like the one pictured?  Post World War II more people are fleeing strife now than ever.
Pictures like the one above which I found on UNHCR's site have helped us really empathize with the refugees' plight.  Last night at "Hela Sverige Skramlar" Hans Rosling, Swedish academic and Gapminder founder,  said though that we really can't understand war.  His explanation of the tragedy of Syria was riveting - basically half of all Syrians have fled - about 80 million people have left their homes, 4 million have left the country, 300,000 (3%) of all Syrians have made their way to Europe and 80,000 have made it to Sweden, Welcome, he said.  
The numbers are enormous, basically the tip of the iceberg and the money just isn't there to help.
Hans Roslings speech (in Swedish)
Please listen to one of the artists that performed last night to help bring money for the refugees, Laleh, singing her hit "Some die young" acapella.  Again, wow!
So again, please consider helping, here again is the US information to donate to UNHCR.  
To pay by mail, please send checks or money orders to
1775 K Street NW Suite 580 Washington, DC 20006
To donate by phone class toll-free 1.855.808.6427

USA for UNHCR is a non-profit 501 (c) (3). All donations are tax-deductible.

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