Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Princess Victoria

July 14th was Princess Victoria of Sweden's 38th birthday and she was celebrated with much modern-day pomp.  My parents cajouled me into watching the concert on TV and this is who we saw perform - Carola, Medina, Ola Salo, Mariette, Sven-Bertil Taube, Kristin Amparo and John Lundvik.  It was a strange mix of old, new, big pajamas, flowing dresses, turbans, pop, rock, old-timey music and rap.  The songs my parents didn't like were my favorite and vice versa.
Estelle, 3, with mom Princess Victoria and dad, Daniel
Seated in the front row were the royal family from Princess Madeleine (new mother), her husband Chris,  Prince Carl Philip and his new wife Sofia, Queen Silva and King Carl-Gustaf, Princess Victoria and her husband Daniel and someone else.  The thing with having a royal birthday apparently is that you are not really allowed to have fun but you have to pretend to be by smiling insipidly at everything.
You also have to wear a traditional Swedish dress which includes a fun hair handkerchief (see above) so that new Dolce Gabbana that you've been dying to wear has to go to the back of the closet.  But to me the funniest thing was this --

Hunger Game announcer played by Stanley Tucci

and the announcer at the 38 year old's concert in Öland, Mark Levengood

See what I mean?  He did a good job but the similarity was too apparent not to be noted.

And for those of who are interested in visiting Sweden check out this great link for some fun and different digs .  We are staying at Chez Mamma but not everybody can be so lucky. :-)

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