Monday, August 18, 2014

Swedish Fish

Image result for swedish fishToday we went out in the town and stopped by our local penny candy store.  It's amazing how popular Swedish fish are with my kids - they stocked up - and I started to wonder how these yummy little things started on their road to popularity.
Well I needed only to go to the google and up pops this enlightening article from Mental Floss,  They were first imported in the 1950s.
If you want to try the real deal pop on over to Sugarfina for their all-natural Swedish fish.  They're sold out (I told you they're popular) so save it for later if you really have a hankering. This is the website I should have done!

Finally did you know that Swedes buy more candy than any other country? Here's an amazing quote from Nordstjernan that blew my mind.  It might as well be called a "Swede Tooth".  :-)
 "Godisgris!" Swedes are suffering from a severe case of Sweet Tooth. We eat 37 lbs of candy per person and year - that's more candy than any other people in the world. 

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