Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer in full swing

Camping in Maine was amazing.  It feels like summer is in full swing now, too bad school is right around the proverbial corner.  This is usually the time of year when I start looking through the ads for a Swedish summer house, just for fun, but I do love my real estate browsing.  Once we have seen this link, you will want to start too! fancy Swedish summer houses for sale  This one is my favorite, it's in Simrishamn, a little village on the coast, and it costs "only" 11,500,000 krones or ($1,674,613)!

Another thing I like this time of year is Formex in Stockholm.  I have only been once with a friend but I'd love to go back sometime.  This is where buyers from all over converge on Stockholm's main exhibit hall to see the wares, and ideas, of talented Scandinavian designers. It opens today, of course I love this photo from the young designers on the site.  Check out  More info here, formex 2014
Here's one from one of the booths -
Formex - the largest interior design fair for Nordic design. The fair is a meeting place for 850 exhibitors, 25,000 national and international visitors and over 800 media representatives. Formex is a trade fair that is open for anyone who is active in the following areas: gifts, home textiles and furnishings.
Finally to round out the summary feelings - a Swedish song that lives on and on and on.  Nostalgia in a bikini. A good thing?  You decide.  Take a look at the next post (Sommar, sommar, sommar) to get a listen and a look of Sweden in days past.  At least the dunes look the same!  Happy summer.

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