Monday, May 5, 2014

Summer dreaming (and scheming)

Thinking of summer?  I am.  I'm pining for it, dreaming of it, longing for it... the winter has been sooooo cold and long.  Here we are in May (Första Maj Välkommen!) and it's just now starting to look like spring.  So with that in mind I'm stealing some summery ideas from friends across the globe.
Idea One from RubyEllen at a Beautiful Mess

Make a wax cloth hobo bag for the beach -- love wax cloth and own a lot of it,  It's so easy to clean and perfect for a beach bag.  I like the looks of this one too, so it's worth a try. Hobo Bag

Idea Two from Philia at House of Philia, a Swedish blogger

Go on a diet -- her go-to breakfast in a thin layer of chevre cheese on Finn Crisp topped with pear.  It sounds good, and I like that there's a coffee to go with!  The other meals I'm not sure about - any ideas?

Idea Three from Popular Mechanics 

Make a treehouse -- ok, so this one is seriously involved but maybe with some hubby help?  Here's the link tree house. It would be a fantastic gift to our kids, and if this doesn't work, at a minimum make this:

Idea Four
a cat scratching post for these little guys, the newest members of our family!

Don't you think he could use one?  ;-)  What are your ideas for the summer?  It is coming!!

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